PC_CT22X_V1.19 Released on 2024-04-30 Recent changes; * Added OPC (one probe comparison) Mode. With this mode, two boards can be compared by making consecutive measurements using only the PROBE-1 channel. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.18 Released on 2024-02-10 * Recent changes; * Improved the Update checking algorithm. The software automatically checks for updates when it first runs. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.17 Released on 2023-07-24 Recent changes; * Added ability to edit test name (If the name of a point in the list is desired to be changed, that point is selected first and then the “F2” key is pressed. The name of the test point can now be changed). * Added “Keep aspect ratio” feature on Load Image window. PC_CT22X_V1.16 Released on 2023-07-11 Recent changes; * Fixed a bug in displaying CH-2 data. PC_CT22X_V1.15 Released on 2023-07-03 Recent changes; * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.14 Released on 2023-04-17 Recent changes; * Improved RLC value calculation algorithm. * Improved display of calculated values on the screen. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.13 Released on 2023-01-06 Recent changes; * Added a Check for updates button to the About tab in order to follow software/firmware updates better. When the button is clicked, the versions available on our website are listed. If a new update has been released, the download buttons will become active and the related file will be downloaded to computer with a single click. * Fixed some bugs. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.12 Released on 2022-12-31 Recent changes; * When adding new data to the database, it was appended to the end of the list. Now, if there is a selected test point in the list, the new data is inserted below the selected one. If it is not selected anything, it is appended to the end of the list. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.11 Released on 2022-12-09 Recent changes; * Fixed software crashing when closing the Load Image window. * Fixed internal error. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.10 Released on 2022-08-23 Recent changes; * Added PDF report generation feature for database testing. Sample report file * Added the ability to show the tested and recorded points on the PCB image (it is on Load Image window). * Added drag and drop feature for test points saved in database data list. * Added Series RLC Circuit Analysis with new measurement algorithm. * Display of R, L, C and Phase angle on the screen. * More stable comparison with new algorithm. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.09 Released on 2022-03-07 Recent changes; * Fixed internal error. PC_CT22X_V1.08 Released on 2022-02-19 Recent changes; * Added 1V test voltage range. * Improved Capacitor and Resistor value calculation algorithm. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.06 Released on 2021-08-05 Recent changes; * Added Frequency scanning feature (Device firmware V1.04 or later is required) * Added Cursor feature (When left clicked on the impedance curve, the voltage and current values at that point are displayed on the graph. When right-clicked, the cursor disables) * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.05 Released on 2021-06-21 Recent changes; * Added a checkbox to show all saved test points for database (it is on Load Image window). * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.04 Released on 2021-06-11 Recent changes; * Fixed some bugs in the comparison algorithm. * Some optimizations. PC_CT22X_V1.03 Released on 2021-05-23 Recent changes; * Improved the comparison algorithm. * Some optimizations. PC_CT220S_V1.02 Released on 2021-03-24 Recent changes; * Improved the comparison algorithm. * Improved USB connection algorithm. * Fixed some bugs. * Some optimizations. PC_CT220S_V1.01 Released on 2020-04-13 Recent changes; * Improved the comparison algorithm. * Fixed some bugs. * Some optimizations.